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Your Experience Wasn’t Born to Be Kept in Dark – Memoir Writing Will Help It Shine

Every experience matters, and if you believe it’s worth the share, it’s worth it. Hire the ultimate memoir writing services to share your experiences and the insights they impart..

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Your Story Is Immortal – Hire a Dedicated Book Writer and Help It Be Born Again!

Your heart skips a beat whenever you think of your transformation experience. The word memoir captivates you. You want to share the wisdom your life has given you, but you don’t. Your journey down the memory lane promises vivid happiness, but this thought also instills fear: you know you would want to stay in that memory.

How can you write down about your life but don’t become a captive of the past? By hiring the right memoir writer.

Don’t just get any writer. Not every writer will capture the zest of your life or of that experience at the backdrop of your life. But ours will. They have proven themselves to be the best listeners and expressive writers.

Why Would You Write a Memoir?

Are you doubtful of the impact of your story? Don’t be. People have a lot to learn from it.

Leave Your Legacy

A memoir helps you preserve your life story for people you love, so they can remember you through your memories, learn from it, and maintain it as a benchmark.

Share Your Life Lessons

Help your followers learn from you and your experiences. Give them the lessons they always wanted to get from you but with more detail and clarity.

Create Awareness

Your followers want to know more about you. Let them have this knowledge and grow your presence in the process.

Boost Credibility

By sharing your personal story, learning process, and background, you express your vulnerability and humanity, allowing your followers to relate to you on a more personal level.

Why Choose Us

Your story is unique and only an empathetic writer can handle it with care and professionalism.

Affordable Rates

You don’t have to break the bank to share coveted knowledge. Get affordable services with zero compromise on quality.

Professional Writers

Your story is your story and should carry the same energy and viewpoint as yours. Our writers pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues to portray the story in a style that matches your energy.

Research-based Writing

Finding it difficult to fact-check every detail of your experience. Let our writers work with you to help you recall using relevant dates and events.

Complete Publishing Solution

Get your memoir published without having to lift a finger with our dedicated book publishing services

Your Loved Ones, Followers, and Mentees Want to Know Your Story – Share!

Our Services

From writing to editing, formatting, and publishing, we’ve got you covered.


From assisting you with event collection to preparing an outline and discussing the overall presentation of your memoir, we cover it all.


Hire a professional book writer to give words to your experiences, lessons, and transformation.

Editing & Proofreading

Enhance the quality of your memoir by moving it through stringent editing and proofreading procedures.

Formatting & Design

Give your readers a polished memoir-reading experience with proper formatting, size, illustrations, and design.


Worried about the nitty-gritty of the publishing world. Let us take care of it for you.

Our Process

Our efficient process is aimed at taking the burden off your shoulders making memoir writing and publishing easy for you.

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Consultation Call

Once you have sent us your notes, our designated writer will study it and hop on the consultation call to know the angle to present it.

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Using your input into the events, our writer will develop an outline for the memoir and communicate it to you for approval.

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The writing process will keep you in the loop for further details and insights

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Editing & Proofreading

After approval from you, the manuscript will be sent for editing and proofreading.

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Cover design, illustrations, and historical references – you will these included in the book draft at this point.

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Here comes the most exciting part – your life story published as a book!

Share Your Story with the Passion and Enthusiasm That Only You Can Offer It .

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the difference between a memoir and an autobiography?

The biggest difference between the two is the timespan they represent. Memoirs can focus on a single or a group of events, a life stage, or a learning process. Autobiography will span a longer period – the entire life of the author. Secondly, autobiographies focus on how the person broadened their impact in the society from the lens of their experiences and learning. Memoir only recounts the events and don’t mention the impact it has on society or other people.

+ Can I profit from my memoir?

Yes, you can. You need two things to profit from it, though. First, you will need a strong memoir with the right viewpoint and tone. Secondly, you need to market it effectively, employing expert book marketing services also adds to your chances of success.

+ How long should my memoir be?

You can choose the length of your memoir. Most exciting memoirs are 40,000 to 100,000 words long.

+ Will ghostwriting process do justice to my life experiences and story?

Empathy is a learned trait and amazing memoir ghostwriters excel in just that. If you are looking to hire book writers with amazing listening and comprehension skills, OxfordWriting is heaven for you.


OxfordBookWriting will not possess any ownership rights once the work is delivered. The services provided by OxfordBookWriting will be declared the client’s property once the work is published successfully.