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Ideal EBook Writing Services

Where Affordability Meets Quality

Multiply your eBook ROI with premium eBook writing services that don’t burn a hole in your pocket. Publish now with confidence and authority and let your clients trust you more.

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Convert Your Ideas into the Credibility Your Brand Deserves

Whether you are an individual or corporate brand or you only want to publish to share your stories and build a passive income, we’ve got your back. Getting your ideas out into the world demands an intense commitment of money, time, and effort. And you must also have the right talent.

At OxfordWriting, we believe that lacking in any of these areas shouldn’t prevent you from starting your publishing spree. That’s why we offer premium eBook writing services that will not ruin your budget. Add more value by getting our successful book marketing services and earn the recognition and profits you want.

That’s right. We offer a complete package of services from writing and editing to designing, publishing, and marketing. And that’s not all, we guarantee superior quality of these services on a budget.

From Idea to Execution, Marketing, and Royalties Get Our Complete and Affordable EBook Writing Services

Perks of Publishing an EBook

Build Credibility

Share your vision, solutions, and service with the world with an eye-catching eBook. Reach more readers than you would using a traditional publishing route.

Establish Trust

Utilize the tool of eBooks to convey your story so your customers know how you are making their lives and society better.

Be Visible

EBooks are tangible tools that will remind your customers about your presence and your services, so they can reach out to you when they are ready to receive your services.

Market Your Product

Let your ideal customers see your solution to their problem, giving them another reason – or many – to buy from you.

Create Income

Earn money, simply. Sell your eBooks and earn royalties.

Why Choose Us

Hiring quality eBook writing services shouldn’t break the bank. Get affordable publishing solutions while boosting quality

Affordable Packages

Utilize the latest developments in eBook creation and marketing industries and manifest your publishing dream in time and budget

Dedicated Team

Rest assured, we will connect you with the most relevant, dedicated writers, editors, and marketers who will take your success as theirs, so you get a quality eBook writing service every time.

Experienced Writers

Get your book written by best-selling authors and writers and boost your eBook’s chances of success.

Research-Based Writing

Build credibility and trust among your followers by presenting innovative solutions built on authentic research and a deep understanding of your area of writing.

Complete Marketing Solution

Establish and strengthen your tribe of like-minded people by reaching the right people at the right place. Use the experience and knowledge of our eBook marketers to create an effective marketing strategy.

From Idea to Execution, Marketing, and Royalties Get Our Complete and Affordable EBook Writing Services

Our Services


Get clarity on your idea and learn from our published authors about what sells among your ideal readers and what doesn’t before you commit to your idea.


Get the content written by our top eBook writers without worrying about errors and misalignment of content with your goals.

Editing and Proofreading

Use our impeccable editing and proofreading services to boost the performance of your eBook.


Get our designers to design a professional, yet irresistible cover for your eBook and multiply potential sales.


From formatting to designing to drawing up the proprietary rights, our publishing experts manage it all for you.


Boost your sales by getting pre-launch, post-launch, or a complete package of marketing services after discussing what will fit your niche most

From Idea to Execution, Marketing, and Royalties Get Our Complete and Affordable EBook Writing Services

Our Process

Our foolproof process takes the guesswork out of publishing an eBook to success and gains your eBook as much traction as it can get in its niche.

fiction book writing
Order Placement

When you are ready with your eBook idea, you place the order and allow our book-writing agency to contact you soon.

fiction book writing
Idea Development

Before typing a single word, we discuss with our clients the salability of the potential book finding the point where their market’s expectations meet their subtopics and key information.

ebook writing
Outline Creation

Get a well-thought-out outline of your book based on the idea you agreed to earlier.

hire a ghost writer
Content Creation

Using the approved outline, our writers will create content and communicate it with you on a predefined schedule.

hire a ghost writer
Editing & Proofreading

After you have approved the content, our editors will take over the project from writers and make your book flawless.

ebook writing
Designing & Publishing

Get your eBook a relevant cover design after deciding on other factors such as the size and style guide of the book. Once approved, our publishing experts will publish the book on your terms.

ebook writing

Get your book in front of your ideal readers with our strategically targeted and effective book marketing services.

Embark Launch Your EBook Publishing Journey with a Bang Using Our Complete EBook Publishing Package

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Will my eBook earn money?

It’s natural for people to feel a lack of confidence in their eBook ideas, but you can know about its success or methods to strengthen the idea by consulting our experienced best-selling authors. Add quality writing, design, and effective book marketing to the mix and you get a profitable eBook published in your name.

+ Do you provide non-fiction eBook writing services as well?

Our writing teams are specialized in both fiction and non-fiction eBook writing and publishing.

+ How do you market books?

EBook marketing is similar to book marketing tactics and includes offline and online promotions. We use social media to gain traction about your book and boost its sales by entering it on networking events

+ How long should an eBook be?

The eBook market is huge. Here, you can find books that have no words and others that can have more than a million words. Most eBooks have between 30,000 and 60,000 words

+ How long will your eBook writing company take to write my eBook?

Most eBooks are written in one to 3 months. However, the complexity of your idea and length and depth of your topic will determine the final deadline.


OxfordBookWriting will not possess any ownership rights once the work is delivered. The services provided by OxfordBookWriting will be declared the client’s property once the work is published successfully.