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Cash the Irresistibility of Your Book by Bringing the Right Attention to It

Get your book sold, fast. And don’t stop there. Gain traction, create demand, and build a continuous stream of passive income.

book writing services

Your Success is Our Success – Hire Our Services for Guaranteed Results

Our expert book promotion services don’t just build a system and run the tactics on auto-pilot, we commit and deliver until you succeed.

Partner with OxfordWriting and see your book soar to the heights of recognition and praise. We’ve helped thousands of writers meet or exceed their sales expectations. That’s why they bring their projects to us again and again.

Multiply the returns you will get from our book marketing services by partnering with us early in your book creation journey. Get started on the right idea with appropriate market research, build a compelling story and presentation with feedback from beta readers or potential raving fans of your books, and get the word out about your launch date and pre-launch book deals.Get your book sold like hotcakes even before it reaches bookstores

Grow Your Book’s Wait List and See Your Sales Skyrocket with Our Proven, Effective Book Marketing Services

Why Do You Need to Invest in Book Marketing Services?

Let your book be discoverable. Make it visible and discussed among its target readers.


Let your ideal readers know that your book exists, what it has in stores for them, why they need it, and how they can get it to buy and read.

Build Anticipation

Build your tribe by sharing bits and pieces of your book, sharing interesting tropes, and letting them feel its impact on them. Keep them hooked, waiting for the launch of your book.

Identify Interest

Attract the interested readers only, so you can build your first published book into a series or an empire of intellectual products.

Improving Manuscript

Gain real-time insights into how your ideal readers will perceive your book by getting independent feedback from beta readers and ACR readers, and develop the manuscript before it’s too late.

Why Choose Us

Keep your book launch process within your budget without ruining the potential reach and sale of your book with our expert, dedicated book marketing services.

Affordable Packages

Don’t give up on your publishing goals just because you cannot afford to launch it successfully. Hire the experts and build your exclusive readership.

Market Understanding

Our book marketing experts have been in the business for decades and know a thing or two about promotion and traction building. Leverage their knowledge and build the success your book deserves

Expert Marketers

From digital marketing to networking and offline marketing, our experts have done it all and delivered results. Use their specialized services and boost your book’s success.

Timely Delivery

From book planning to execution, pre-launch, and launch, book publishing demands adherence to a strict timeline. Get your marketing strategy executed on time and maximize gains.

Grow Your Book’s Wait List and See Your Sales Skyrocket with Our Proven, Effective Book Marketing Services

Our Services

Every book is unique, and so are the need for book marketing services for every book. Let our experts build a winning formula for yours to boost its success.

Search Engine Optimization

Ensure that it appears to the right readers when they show interest in the topics related to it by optimizing its presence on search engines.

Target Ads

Skip the guesswork. Get high conversion and tangible results with our scientific ad targeting efforts.

Social Media Marketing

Get the right people talking about your book and promoting it among their social network free of cost with engaging and algorithm-driven precision.

Community Development

Build your first book into a publishing empire with tens of titles by founding and raising the right, well-engaged tribe with the dedicated help of our community managers

Email Marketing

Keep them engaged until the launch of your book and beyond with a simple, to-the- point, but attractive email marketing strategy.

Offline Promotion

Build readership by letting your book reach the right masses through giveaways, networking, and word of mouth.

Grow Your Book’s Wait List and See Your Sales Skyrocket with Our Proven, Effective Book Marketing Services

Our Process

Book marketing isn’t a walk in the park for self-publishing authors, unless you are partnered with expert marketers.

Book Promotion

You get connected to our book promotion expert by contacting us or placing an order. Our experts will use this call to determine your marketing needs, goals, place, and channels and build a strategy

book writing agency
Book Marketing Services

Using SEO, social media management, networking, and email marketing, our experts will carry out different areas of predefined marketing strategy while monitoring and improving it for results.

book writing agency
Sales & Royalties

Your book’s successful launch will ensure your customers buy it like crazy and demand more. Congratulations, you have become an earning author

Let Your Book Make It to the Top of Best Seller List, Say Goodbye to Doubts.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ How much do I need to stay involved in the book promotion process?

Many renowned authors understand the importance of their presence and commitment to their book marketing campaign in its success. But if you are not up for the task, you can still see results in sales and let your writing keep them engaged and loyal

+ Why should I not self-promote my book?

Self-promotion demands intense time commitment and detailed knowledge about the market and marketing tactics. If you are a seasoned book marketer who has extra time on your hands, go for the self-promotion route. Otherwise, hire expert services and enjoy the relaxed royalties.

+ When should I start promoting my book?

Book promotion starts with the writing process. Many successful writers share their writing with like-minded people, throw it on the wall, and see what sticks. But if idea selection is not your purpose behind book promotion, you might want to start talking about it at least three months before its launch.

+ What is the purpose of your book marketing services?

The primary goal of our services is to increase the visibility and reach of your book, so people can decide to buy it when it’s out.


OxfordBookWriting will not possess any ownership rights once the work is delivered. The services provided by OxfordBookWriting will be declared the client’s property once the work is published successfully.